Remember This – You Are More Than What YOU See In The Mirror

I wanted to take a moment today to talk about the outer shell we know as our bodies. It’s amazing how movies and social media have completely changed peoples beliefs about what beauty is. .

I wanted to take a moment today to talk about the outer shell we know as our bodies. It’s amazing how movies and social media have completely changed peoples beliefs about what beauty is.

It’s not the size that matters. It’s not the shape of your nose. Your outer shell has nothing to do with what makes you attractive. What matters and what attracts others to you,  is your  energy, your light, the love you have to give, your kindness, loyalty, the way you treat all sentient beings, and and most importantly the love you give yourself. 

“I wish you could see yourself the way I do”. – Caterina

Today would be a good day for you to begin to love yourself. Let your beautiful light shine. If you have trouble loving your outer shell, here is one of the exercises I had to do in a class about 20 years ago went like this.

Each. morning, find a mirror. Take a look at yourself. For some of my clients this was a difficult one at first. If you are one of those souls who can’t look at themselves start small. With the lights off, stand in front of the mirror and say to yourself “I have a beautiful…. (heart, nose, dimple, whatever works for you) “. The next day, turn on a light or bring a candle into your bathroom and have it on. Only look at the one body part that you have chosen and say “I have a beautiful …. and I am lovable. The next day turn on the light and look at your face. Even if it is scared, look at your face, and be in gratitude for the fact that you can see, taste, speak. And include the first sentance. I have a beautiful… and I am grateful that I can see, hear, talk, taste.

It will get easier and easier. And one day, you will find yourself dancing in front of the mirror and singing about how much you value what you see in the mirror.

When you come from a place of love, you will attract the most amazing people, adventures, and possibilities that you could possibly imagine. 

So for all of you, remember this. YOU, dear one are a gift to this world. Each of you has something special waiting to come alive within. Find your true love, and that is your home within. 

The outer shell means nothing.   It just helps the angel within you touch the lives of others,  by being able to move around this world and spread whatever message you have within you to share. You are beautiful just the way you are.  


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