Go Within And Change Your Life

“Everything that’s created comes out of silence. Thoughts emerge from the nothingness of silence. Words come out of the void. Your very essence emerged from emptiness. All creativity requires some stillness.” – Wayne Dyer

“Everything that’s created comes out of silence. Thoughts emerge from the nothingness of silence. Words come out of the void. Your very essence emerged from emptiness. All creativity requires some stillness.” – Wayne Dyer

I know you are stressed, dear ones.  I know.  

I know that life can feel so complicated right now.  

I know some of you are searching, looking for and wanting an answer. Not right now, but yesterday. 

Do you do this because you are remembering how it was before?  

Do you do this because you are worried about the future?

Do you, dear ones do it because it might feel like there is some sort of normal in the doing?

When I go out for my walk during a break from my workday, I meet and greet many people as they too want to get fresh air. Lately, I have noticed the sadness, and emptiness in some of the eyes of my fellow wanderers. 

Being stuck in a belief system that does not serve you, or the ones you love, will never help any situation. 

When I am stuck, I go within and become silent. Becoming quiet, going within, being fully present, gives you the opportunity to take out the clutter of your mind and set it aside. 

When you know peace, and have taken time to be silent every day, others will feel it on a vibrational level. When you live life mindfully, it becomes a deep knowing that everything will work out. Everything. It always will, because, we never stay in limbo, or stuck forever.  

We seriously can’t change the past, can’t wish for it to be the same as it was, and cannot assume that the future will be something more or less than what it is meant to be. 

What we can do is stand right where we are and live in the moment. 

Sometimes, the heaviness of other peoples lives can weigh you down. Remember, dear ones, that is their life to figure out. Yes, you can sit with them, talk to them, be the shoulder they might need and if you can, learn to set their worries aside. 

Nature does not worry. It just creates waves, that are beautiful in the eyes of the beholder, and then they are gone. We must adopt this practice of letting the waves of life, with all its energy, show us, teach us about their power and the power you have over yourself to ride the wave to a quiet, still place of silence. 

In silence, all is revealed to us. In silence, we become one with ourselves, all sentient beings, and the universal laws of what must and will be.  

In this moment, and the next moment, and the one after that, just slow things down and be mindful that silence, brings clarity. It gives you a moment to breathe and know. 

My message to you today is this.  

Do not rush into things that you are trying so hard to achieve. Stop the trying. Please. Trying only leaves you trying.  Notice instead, what is meant for you, who is meant for you and where you are meant to be. Notice.

The right relationship is already yours, you do not need to rush to find it. The right one will make themselves known when the time is right.  

The right job, or career can only become that, when you have experienced the type of work you don’t want so that you can fully embrace the work you love to make it your life’s work.  

The right house, will flow into your reality, when you are ready to make a house your home. 

When you feel stuck, and your mind is so busy trying to figure it out. Stop. Take a breath, and let it be. The answer will always come, when you go within. 


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