Let’s Talk About Intimacy – Part 1

The Dance Of Love. It’s a beautiful thing when a couple can understand that the to and fro is part of love’s journey. 

I was thinking about the dance of love and what that means for me.  There are lots of different ways to look at this and one of them is like a tango, or a cha cha. 

Two steps forward and one step back.  In all dances, no matter what dance it is somebody has to take the lead and someone needs to be the follower.  It switches back and forth.  Whether it’s forward or backward it’s all about being together.  When a couple starts the dance of love together they are learning. 

They are stepping on each others toes

They are out of rhythm and then they are in rhythm. They are out of rhythm again and then they go back into rythmn. 

It’s a beautiful thing when a couple can understand that the to and fro is part of love’s journey. 

You will fall out of rhythm and back into rhythm.  The key is to just keep dancing. 

Dance, love each other, go step by step and be slow and intentional with the love of your life. 


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