Stop avoiding things that can make your life better

Think about what you are missing in life.  Is it a deeply loving intimate relationship? 

If you think that all men or women are the same out there, that they are

out to use you hurt you, leave you, cheat on you, then guess what? 

You will be attracting more of the same.  

Think about what you are missing in life.  Is it a deeply loving intimate relationship? 

If you think that all men or women are the same out there, that they are out to use you hurt you, leave you, cheat on you, then guess what?  You will be attracting more of the same.  

So what if you shifted your focus to high value people who will lift you up instead of bring you down?  Would that change your life?  Oh yes.  Trust me.  

The people you spend most of the time with is important.  Choose well.    But first, you must become the high value person you seek.   The only way to shift any one of these is with a different focus and mindset. 

We all get stuck from time to time and don’t think there is an answer.  We think that we are stuck in this place of discontent, disconnect, and disempowerment because we just don’t know how to change it. 

It’s about focus and mindset.  What you focus, on will get bigger, good or bad, guaranteed. 

When you say to yourself “I can’t, I don’t want to, I shouldn’t these are all thing that put you 

What if you were to focus on what is going right in your world?  Right here, right now?  What would happen then?  Do you think your reality would look a little different?  You bet it would.  Why because you are shifting your focus and mindset. 

Start small.  Take one action item each day towards what you want to see in your life.   

Practice extreme self care. 

Take up a new hobby 

Get out into nature 

Give to someone who has less than 

Enjoy the company of your friends and family 

Treat everyone you meet with loving kindness 

Your next best relationship will come when the time is right, when you raise your self esteem and when you know exactly what you want in a partner, and in life.  

And most of all, remember how amazing you are.   


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