Putting Yourself First

Embracing Your Best Life. We often put the needs of others before we take care of our own needs.  It’s something we learned when we were all young.   Empaths, intuitives and Highly Sensitive People are more likely to offer the best of themselves to others before offering themselves the loving, gentle kindness they too need to thrive in life.  

We often put the needs of others before we take care of our own needs.  It’s something we learned when we were all young.   Empaths, intuitives and Highly Sensitive People are more likely to offer the best of themselves to others before offering themselves the loving, gentle kindness they too need to thrive in life.  

You didn’t get there overnight, so please be gentle with yourself when  making some upgrades and shifts to your life.  Shift doesn’t happen in a moment.   Shift happens by taking baby steps with the consistent belief that you must go after more of what sets you up for success in all areas of your life.  

Even with the best of intentions the destructive old rituals and habits will start sneaking back in and we can find ourselves right back to being comfortable with discomfort we were in previously.  

In fact, sometimes, we are so used to thinking that “This is all there is”, “I don’t deserve more” “No one will love me”.  Why?  Because we fear the changes that will set us free.  Fear is a lack of love and in this case the lack of love can be for ourselves.  And so, our lives become fear based instead of love based, problem finding instead of being solution focused.  

But there is another way. 

Actually, there are many other ways.  

Here are a few tips to help you take those baby steps towards emotional freedom from what used to be your narrative, your belief system. 

  1.  Start and end each day with gratitude
  2. Notice what is going right (we are trained to notice what is going wrong.)  Flip the switch and start seeing how lovely things become when you notice what is going right 
  3. Exercise.  Moving your body is the best way to start changing the physiology of your mind as well as your body. If you have problems with mobility, this is another place to begin with baby steps.  
  4. Start new habits, rituals, that will break the worn out old habits that don’t serve you and are not going to take you where you want to go and help you to be more of who you are destined to be in this world. 
  5. Check in with yourself on a regular basis.  Am I behaving as if I value myself?  Am I valuing others? 
  6. Do you feel like you haven’t found your people yet?  Step outside the box and go explore new places to meet people. 
  7. Are your goals big enough?  We often will create goals that are pretty reachable.  And guess what?  They are never reached because there is no challenge, or because you think it might be too hard to go for your dreams.  I would love for you to create one new goal.  Right now.  Write it down.  What is a dream that you want so much that you are willing to make it a reality?  Write it down.  You don’t need to worry about the “how” right now.  Just write it down.   What is amazing about this process is that when you write it down on a piece of paper, ideas will start flowing, opportunities will arrive, and then out of the blue things start to flow. 
  8. Love and pamper yourself this month.  It’s June.  What’s not to love about that? 
  9. Get out into nature.  Nature rocks and it teaches us sooooo much about life if only we will let it.  

And when you notice those little pockets of joy starting to creep in, let them in….. 

They are supposed to be right where you are.  Every day.   The suffering mindset I talked about last month, does not need to be your lot in life.  

I hope this helps you.  We are all in this together and as Ram Daas says, “We are all just walking each other home”.  

Baby steps.  You know where to find me if you want to go deeper.   Click here to book an appointment.



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